Friday, July 14, 2006

Do A Friend A Favor Today

I heard a big number yesterday. 800. No, that's not the temperature in Kansas City, though it feels like it. That's the number of hotel rooms that people have booked at our two flagship hotels, the Hyatt and The Westin Crown Center, for Irish Fest weekend. I know that one of those 800 is yours, because you're that kind of spunky go-getter who doesn't wait until the last minute to get things done. You rock. High five.

But perhaps you know somebody who isn't quite as motivated as you. A friend who maybe tends to sort of snooze on things until then it's too late and they're calling you, asking if they can stay on a roll-away in your hotel room, the one you wisely booked weeks ago, on account of you being a spunky go-getter and all.

So here's your good deed for the day. Click that little envelope with the arrow on it at the bottom of this post and e-mail this to that lazy, shiftless, procrastinating friend of yours. Remind him or her to get that room booked today, because no, they can't stay in your room and use your toothbrush and wear your extra set of jammies and raid the mini- fridge.

And seriously, think about finding a better class of friends.

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