Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Big Raffle Addition

We have a great raffle at the Kansas City Irish Fest each year. The raffle dates back to the old Brookside and Westport Irish Fest days, and the grand prize has always been two plane tickets to Ireland. Which is a pretty great prize. I wish I could win it. I couldn't win a dog show if I were the only mutt entered.

But for 2006, the grand prize is, well, grander. Substantially grander. Thanks to our brand new sponsor, Marriott Club Vacations what was once tickets to Ireland is now a full fledged luxury Irish Vacation.

When you win the raffle drawing, and I know you will because you deserve it, bless your heart, you'll be jetting off to Ireland where for five nights you'll be a guest at the Druids Glen Marriott Hotel & Country Club in the garden of Ireland, County Wicklow. Druids Glen has been given 5-star status by the Irish Automobile Association and Failte Ireland, and this place is spectacular. That picture is the view of the hotel from one of it's two golf courses.

Now should the unthinkable happen and you not win the grand prize, you can still win other great stuff, like cash and a Boulevard Brewery tasting room party. But let's let the second and third place people think about those things. You're going to Ireland and The Druids Glen Marriott Hotel & Country Club. And all for a $5 raffle ticket, or better yet 5 for $20. Raffle tickets will be available at Irish Fest, everywhere.

Send me a postcard from Ireland, will ya?


Anonymous said...

can Site Hosts win, specifically a Co Chair?

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps a very sunshiny volunteer...perhaps a co-chair as well?

Dan said...

I'll send you a postcard, and toast you with a pint in the nearest local pub. I'm so certain that I'm going to win this one, I'm even going to buy tickets!