Monday, June 05, 2006

Ride to Weston With The Parade Committee

When I saw the headline Ride To Weston I thought that our friends over at the St. Patrick's Day Parade committee were organizing a bicycle trip North, like the annual American Diabetes Association's fund raiser. I thought, wow...those Paraders are really showing us Festies up with all their pedaling and health and sweating and fitness and whatnot. Now we're going to have organize Irish Fest Weight Lifting Wednesday or Scanlon's Synchronized Swimming Sunday or some such nonsense.

Then I read the fine print and felt better. It's a bus they're riding, a big comfy, air conditioned bus. Better to save energy for pint lifting is my educated guess. And they cordially invite you to join them in this interesting twist on their monthly Lucky 17 celebrations.

The date, you guessed it, is June 17th. That's a Saturday. Busses will depart KC at 10:00 AM, give or take. There'll be a returning bus in the late afternoon and one more later in the evening. I have a guess as to which one will be more full, and louder, but I'll keep it to myself.

The cost to ride is $35.00 and goes to support the greatest St. Patrick's Day parade in the Nation. That admission fee entitles you to a shot at door prizes, a wine tasting at Pirtle Winery, a beer tasting and brewery tours at O'Malley's Irish Pub, as well as a special Weston Merchants discount card offering discounts and specials for the day.

Busses, like parades, can only hold so many people, so I'd advise you to reserve your spot today. Details on how to do that are on the parade website. You must be 21 or older to participate

Maybe I'll race the bus up there on the oul' bike. That's the kind of stuff we Festies are made of.


Anonymous said...

Scanlons Syncronized Swimming! Now you're on to something... I already have the nose plugs, but will you let me wear my water wings? And are speedo's required?

Danny Regan said...

You know, in some countries, it's a capital offense to mention the words "Scanlon" and "Speedo" in the same sentence.