Saturday, June 03, 2006

Reunion Tents Sold Out

There's an old Irish saying that goes "If ye snooze, ye lose".

Okay, that's probably not Irish or especially old, but true nonetheless. The reunion area tents are completely booked for 2006. So unless you're one of the lucky few, your best bet now to gain access to the fancy pants Third Level is to:

A. Make quick friends with and/or marry into one of the families who bought space up there.

B. Become an Irish Fest sponsor so you can get into the ultra-swanky Sponsor Hospitality Area (formerly known as the VIP area).

I think you'd be better off going with B.

To do that, send a note to Keli and she'll give you all the details. Because as that old Irish proverb goes, "If you got the money, honey, we got the time".

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