Friday, June 30, 2006

The Pipes, The Pipes Are Coming

Did you happen to see (or hear) this fella around Irish Fest last year? You couldn't possibly have missed him. He was everywhere, all at once it seemed. He was strolling the grounds, he was on stage with The Elders during their song Men of Erin, he was in the hotel lobby. He didn't sleep. And if you were in the vicinity, he made sure you didn't either, not as long as there was music to be played and fun to be had. He's the Energizer Bunny with bagpipes.

Well, we're very happy to announce that this particular Man Of Erin, our old friend Dennis New will once again be flying in from Ireland to join us at Irish Fest this year, pipes and all. Be sure and say hello when you see him. And I promise, you'll see him everywhere.

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