Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Discount Tickets Available Now

Irish Fest opens in just 79 days. That might seem like a long time to you, but what do you know? You didn't even start your Christmas shopping until the 23rd of December. 79 days'll go by in a flash, believe me. There are things to do, preparations to be made. Have you planned your schedule so you can see all your favorite bands? Have you booked your hotel room? Started your fiddle lessons? Have you laid out your clothes for each day?

Okay, maybe that last one is jumping the gun a wee bit. But here's something you can do: buy your tickets. Best of all, buy 'em early and save some money. Back on the Irish Fest homepage you'll see a big tri-colored arrow pointing to a little button. Click that and you're on your way. This a new system for us at Irish Fest and we're really excited about it. You'll purchase the tickets on line, then print them at home. The tickets will have a bar code that we'll scan when you get to the gate and in you go. Tickets can be transferred by email and lost or stolen tickets can be reissued. Go try it!

Isn't technology cool? I mean, not always. Robots kind of freak me out, especially the get-smarter-than-we-are, take-over-the-world kind. And Plasma TV sounds pretty creepy, whatever that is. But this technology is pretty cool.

Buy your tickets today. You can lay out your clothes tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

How in the world did you figure out how to do the tickets on the web page? What a brilliant idea. I do think you are the smartest, most technological man I have ever met. I am in awe of you. WOW.

Anonymous said...

Being a 97 year old grandmother, I am curious son. How were you able to place ticket sales on line? You sure are a smart one. I have purchased 6 tickets for my family and we can't wait to go. You kids today sure can do a lot with this computer buisness. Keep up the good work.

littleskillet said...

Actually, he's really not all that smart. He's mostly a giant computer-generated monkey. So, you 97 year old grandma, when you say "Keep up the good work." He will have to begin the "good work." Because his work right now is "bad work."