Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Pub Quiz Time Again!

This coming Monday, the 22nd of May isn't just the International Day for Biological Diversity, although it is that. It isn't merely National Unity Day in Yemen, though they'll be saying Amen in Yemen to that.

No, it's PUB QUIZ day! The third in our series of six monthly qualifying matches leading up to the $500 final at Irish Fest. This time around our cerebral circus takes us to one of Kansas City's most venerable watering holes, Kelly's Westport Inn. No stranger to Irish Fest support, Kelly's is run by retired Irish Fest board member and co-founder Kyle Kelly. And speaking of supporters of the Kansas City Irish Fest, the pub quiz is brought to you by our pals at the Boulevard Brewing Company and Drink: Your Guide to The Kansas City Bar Scene.

You know the drill: team registration at 6:30 PM, quiz at 7:00 PM. Questions read aloud, answers discussed, answers written, Boulevard beer (on special) consumed, prizes won, a raucus good time had by all. Last month at The Gaf we had a huge turnout, and we looking for even more teams on Monday. Remember, the winning team each month qualifies for the final, BUT you can only qualify once! So as the months go by, it gives some of the...uh...more intellectually challenged of us a shot at advancing to that final round and eternal fame and glory. And speaking for intellectually challenged people everywhere, I say "that's good".

So get a team together. Or come alone and find a team there...some smart people hang out at Kelly's, you know. Just come, and let Quizmaster George Vial tickle your cerebrum.


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