Friday, May 19, 2006

News Item

From Special Irish Fest Cowabunga Correspondent Ronan Collins:

Surfers at Lahinch, Co Clare, set a new world record this weekend for the number of people simultaneously surfing one wave. 200 to 300 surfers and 1000 spectators turned out for Saturday's record attempt which took place amidst a party atmosphere at Lahinch Surf School. Officials from the Guinness book of records yesterday confirmed that the previous record of 42, set in Brazil last year, had been broken at Lahinch. The new record stands at 44.

Make sure you surf over to the Kansas City Irish Fest blog for informative updates like this one, every day.

"As I sat looking up at the Guinness ad, I could never figure out; how your man stayed up on the surf board after fourteen pints of stout."-Christy Moore

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