Friday, May 26, 2006

Meet The Irish Fest Staff

Let's say you're a big Celtic rock star. Or maybe you're a 27 time All-Ireland fiddle champion. And you're booked to play the Kansas City Irish Fest. We want your experience here to be great, the best you've been treated at any festival so you'll do a wonderful show and then go tell your friend Bono that you were treated so nicely here that he should come next year and play for free and why doesn't he bring Van Morrison while he's at it?.

Could happen. And if it does, it will be because of Shannon.

Shannon runs our green room, which is where all the bands hang out before and after shows at Irish Fest, and she makes Martha Whatshername look like a public school lunch lady. Shannon (or SheeShee, as she's affectionately known around here) keeps the singers and dancers and musicians happy, well fed and watered (or beered). Shannon makes the green room a non stop party. Should a band ever be a little late taking the stage at Irish Fest, it's probably because they didn't want to leave the green room. She's as much an entertainer as the people she hosts back there. Think about the size of that job for a minute. You're serving endless meals and running a bar all day, well into the night, for 3 days straight. For 24 bands. Not only that, but when you check into the hotel, you big rock star, chances are SheeShee has a little welcome gift waiting for you in your room...some snacks, some drinks, a nice note. She may have even picked you up at the airport. After the fest close for the night and the staff goes to unwind, guess who shows up with a big spread of food and drinks? Not me, I'll tell you that. I'm too tired, and I don't even work as hard as Shannon does.

So, take some lessons, start a band and maybe you'll get to come to the SheeShee Show at Irish Fest. Bring Bono with you, too, okay?


Danny Regan said...

Indeed I did, and it's a big oversite. Mark, like so many "festival widows and widowers" has the patience, understanding and good humor that allow us all to do our very time consuming jobs at Irish Fest. We should all consider ourselves very lucky that our significant others put up with all this silliness every year.

Cheers, Mark!

David Shaughnessy said...

You also forgot to mention that ShiShi (note the correct spelling) is making all the volunteers feel as special as the performers. She does it all, and does it very well, and doesn't have a commitee. Maybe she'll bring some of her model friends with her this year!

Anonymous said...

Well and she is not that bad of a sister either...