Monday, April 24, 2006

V.I.V. (Very Important Volunteer)

Over the last week or so, I've offered up lots of different volunteer opportunities for your consideration. Maybe one or two sounded good to you and you've already signed up. If so, wonderful. Thank you. But if you haven't yet, then let me tell you about our most rare, most sought after, hardest to find volunteer.

It's that person who fills out the volunteer form but doesn't check a box indicating where they'd like to work. Instead he or she writes a little note in the comments box saying "no preference" or "put me where you need me".

We love those people. And if you're one of them, please sign up today. We'll find a place for you where the need is greatest.

And again, to all of you who have volunteered already or are about to, a big, sincere and heartfelt thank you. You make Irish Fest the great event that it is. And I'll quit bugging you about volunteering...for now.

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