Thursday, April 20, 2006

Site Hosts

When last we left "Where Should I Volunteer", we had begun our approach to the Site Host committee. Our story resumes there.

What you'll do: I'll tell you what you won't do, you won't get bored, that's for sure. Site hosts are kind of our Special Forces Unit. Only unarmed...for now. They're everywhere all at once, magnificently decked out in their gold shirts. They're at the gates welcoming fest goers and asking to be of assistance. They're at the stairs carrying up strollers. They're helping folks in wheelchairs find the elevators. They're snapping pictures of tourists in front of the green fountains. They're reuniting lost kids with lost parents. They're trying find KCIF board members who're hiding in hotel bars.

Just kidding about that last one. Really.

Who you are: Helpful, personable, engaging, energetic. Site hosts are the public face of Irish Fest. So if you have a face, that's good. Also a brain, because you need to know everything about Irish Fest. Where everything is, what time everything starts, and on which stage. Should I see The Bridies or Gaelic Storm? Ask a site host. How do you pronounce "O'Riada"? Ask a site host. Where's Regan? Ask a site host to come to the hotel bar and get me.

Doesn't that sound like fun? It is. Our site host bosses, Barney and Sarah, are incapable of not having fun. You'll love working for them. Go sign up. And remember, to volunteer as a site host, you'll need to make note of that in the comments box, because there isn't a SIte Host box to check yet. They're kind of secretive like that. First rule of site hosts: don't talk about site hosts.


Anonymous said...

Those site hosts do all the things listed in the blog and THEN some. They make your lives better. Not happy with your current job? They'll help you out, heck they might even rework your resume( they'll have laptops on site). Been feeling a little blue lately? After a 'session' as site host, you'll feel SO much better about your life and mankind in general.

Anonymous said...

Now that I've "retired" as White House Press Secretary, I plan on joining the site hosts at Irish Fest. I don't need to have a soul, do I?

Anonymous said...

Some FAQ's you might be asked as a site host:

1. Where's the beer?
2. Where's the ATM, so I can get more beer?
3. What kind of beer is sold at Irishfest? ( BOULEVARD OF COURSE)
4. Are the Site Host co chairs really that good looking, or have they had some 'work' done ?

Anonymous said...

You better hurry if you want to be a site host. I have already had people showing up at my door begging for the position, in fact Ithink I am going to move in a week or so because of it. Open slots won't last long!