Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Rising Of The Pint

Diageo, the London based global alcoholic beverage conglomerate that owns Guinness, confirmed it will increase the wholesale price of a pint for all its draught and bottled beers in Ireland next month by 4 cents before sales taxes, meaning the cost will rise by at least 5 cents from May 1. This adds to further speculation that Irish pub owners may add an even bigger increase for themselves. One caller to the Irish Independent newspaper claimed a barman was discussing a rise of 10-15 cents per pint. Dark times indeed.

Luckily this will not affect us at the Kansas City Irish Fest where beer prices remain firm and reasonable thanks to our great friends at Boulevard Brewery .


Anonymous said...

Guinness owned by Brits??? Who let that happen?Thank God for Boulevard Stout! Good choice, Irish Festers.

Unknown said...

What's even more bothersome is when you turn the bottle around and realize that the Guinness you are drinking came from either New York or Canada.

Bully Porter rocks, by the way!

Anonymous said...
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Ellen Kozisek said...

Beamish is imported from Ireland. Or, was, anyway. Drink it while you can. Then ask you favorite to stock Boulevard Dry Stout. :)