Thursday, March 23, 2006

Personal Ad

Hi! I'm Walt. I'm a giant, hand carved, styrofoam head. I'm 4 feet tall, 3 1/2 feet wide and not as heavy as I look! I was recently featured on the grand prize winning St. Patrick's Day parade float that was built by the Celtic Fringe here in Kansas City. I look frozen, but really I'm warm and cuddly. I'd like long walks on the beach if I had any legs, holding hands by the fire if I had any get the idea. I'm just coming out of my stormy relationship with the Fringe, and I'm ready to move on. If you'd like to take me home, come and get me! Just drop me a line at, and we'll arrange a meeting. Don't be shy! I'm headed for a dumpster on Saturday unless you help! That's


Anonymous said...

This would make a great addition to KCI and show them that Kansas City is so proud of the late Mr. Disney, they have built an homage to his head.

Possibly it could replace the giant bull that is/was downtown off the interstate.

How about replacing the giant hair curlers on Bartle Hall?

Perhaps a cold-storage company would be interested as a means of advertising? If Bob Hamilton Plumbing can have a giant inflated toilet on their building in Lenexa, a giant head in cold storage might just be the ticket.

Maybe you can change it a little bit: put a giant hand-crank on one side that plays "Pop Goes the Weasel" as you turn it. And when you get to the end of the song, Walt's head pops out. A toy company might be interested.

Great job, congratulations on winning.

Anonymous said...

I see a potential money-maker here, folks! E-BAY!!! If it works for Elvis-shaped Doritos and shamless promotion on body parts, why not this?

Anonymous said...

Since Marceline Missouri is the birth home of Walt Disney, and there happens to be a Walt Disney Museum in Marceline. I feel that would be a proper home for Walt.

Walsworth Publishing Co. (The Yearbook People) is owned by the M.U. curator Don Walsworth. I'm sure he would be happy to put Walts head into the Museum with honor.

I go up to Marceline about once a month. Please don't trash Walt!!

Fenton Miller