Sunday, March 12, 2006

Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

If you were at Irish Fest last year, you may have looked longingly up at that rarified 3rd level above the Terrace stage. You may have seen those special people up there, with their private beer tent, their private port-a-potties, their cute little potato centerpieces, their haughty look of smug superiority and thought: how do I get to be one of them? Do I have to be born into some Irish aristocracy? Be a member of a covert Celtic cabal? Well, just between us, I'll tell you how to reach those dizzying heights at this year's Kansas City Irish Fest.

Book your family or corporate reunion now for Irish Fest 2006. You'll be up there, high above the hoi polloi, living large with all those aforementioned benefits and a lot more. A few spots remain, but they'll go fast. They may be gone already...nobody tells me anything around here at KCIF HQ. But just in case, I'd drop a line to Keli right now and get all the details on this rare chance to improve your social standing, just by writing a check. E-mail her at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean I get a port-a-pottie all to my self! I can't begin to tell you how exciting that is to me. I might cry. Tears of joy that is. I just can't get over the fact that, I GET PRIVATE PORT-A-POTTIES!

Keepin' it real,