Thursday, March 30, 2006

In Vino Veritas

Ian Byrne, charismatic frontman for The Elders, master wood worker and all around good fella has once again made a very generous donation to local charitible organization Operation Breakthrough. And you can win it.

Ian, (owner of Byrne Custom Woodworking) is creating and donating a one-of-a-kind cherry wood wine cabinet. It will hold 35 bottles of California wine, one for each year of the Operation Breakthrough Center’s existence. The wine is valued at $1,058 and the cabinet retails at over $6,000. The person whose ticket is drawn April 21st at the Center’s annual fundraiser will win the whole shebang, Ian not included...sorry, ladies. At that same fundraiser, their 35th birthday bash, you can also bid on a number of great silent auction items, including an Irish Fest family pack of 4 tickets, 4 KCIF t-shirts and 4 KCIF caps.

Operation Breakthrough is a not-for-profit corporation that began in 1971 as a response to requests from parents and citizens in the central city for quality child care for children of the working poor.Their mission is to help children who are living in poverty develop to their fullest potential by providing them a safe, loving and educational environment. I can't think a more noble cause.

Buy tickets to the fund raising gala as well as raffle tickets for the wine and custom cabinet here.

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