Thursday, March 23, 2006

Home Improvement

Scant hours after the last notes of music had been played, the last jig had been jug, and the last pint of Boulevard beer had been quaffed at Irish Fest 2005, the remodeling of our home at Crown Center Square had begun. And when I say they're remodeling, I mean it. Every paver, every tree, every square inch that was there then, ain't now. Beautiful as it was, the face lift was long over due. The Crown Center complex is built on a fairly steep hill and the hill underneath the square didn't all stay put the way it should have, which caused problems for what lay on top.

I have the great advantage of having my "real job" located at Crown Center. In fact, from a window just a few feet away from my little cubicle, I can look down on what will be, in a few short months the site of the Kansas City Irish Fest, 2006 edition. So I can report with absolute certainty that the construction is moving along nicely, ahead of schedule thanks to our mild winter, and it all looks just great. Look for more room, a fantastic new fountain, and a even nicer setting for Irish Fest 2006.

I'll take my camera into work today and post some pictures of the progress in a day or two.

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