Saturday, March 18, 2006

Congratulations Celtic Fringe!

Kansas City's Celtic Fringe won the Grand Prize in yesterday's St. Patrick's Day parade, their first grand prize win in the organization's 12 year history in the parade. They are perennial first place winners in the organizations division. The Fringers entry, "Walt Disney on Ice" depicted poor Walt's cryogenically frozen head rising out of a giant, smoking cooler. I'll post a picture if somebody will send me one.

Congratulations to Sarah, Barney, Rory, Maureen, Brian, Erin, Ed, Pat, Jayme, Mike, Mike, Mike, Daneil, Sarah, Karen, Paul, Veronica and all the Fringers who built the prize winner. And special thanks to the judges and organizers of the parade for having a well developed sense of humor!

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