Friday, September 02, 2005

It's Been Quite a Journey for a Cow With No Name

-Is that Festival thing not finished yet?
-No Ma, it's only starting.
-Holy moley Eolaí, said me mother, again making me happy she never married Mr. Foley.

This website and blog started in earnest back when this piece of artwork was created. The illustrator, Tom Patrick, based here in Kansas City, is a very special talent. You can see how talented by calling him at 816-531-4853 and arranging to see some samples of his work.

Since that time there's a been a huge amount of work done by a lot of people - all for this weekend. We hope we've created a festival you thoroughly love - the very festival we would like to attend ourselves. Please do give us your feedback afterwards so we can improve it.

For me it's been a joy working with so many gifted and energetic people. At the Fest this weekend please be very nice to our Volunteers - many are working multiple shifts in a valiant response to our repeated calls for help. And if possible, be even nicer to anybody wearing a shirt that says 'Director' or 'Staff' - they have been working very hard for a full year. Have a great weekend - it should be grand. And sure maybe we'll chat again in the late hours.

Handy Irish Phrase: Táim chun níos mó cúram a dhéanamh ar mo chorp (I'm going to take more care of my body)

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